Free download of WP Optimize Premium plugin allows website designers to optimize their site to increase its speed. Many speed management settings are collected in this plugin. The Optimize Premium plugin is Persianized and fully compatible with Chinese languages. This plugin is also very popular. The free download post of WP Optimize Premium Farsi plugin has a lot of information about the type of this WordPress plugin. Some parts of this page may be incomprehensible or boring for you. You can skip any part you don’t want to read. In answer to the question of what is the optimization plugin, it can be said that this plugin is one of the best plugins in the field of improving the speed of WordPress sites. This speed improvement comes from ways such as combining files with each other and compressing them, cache operations.
The Optimize Premium plugin, which has many features for WordPress website designers, is very popular in the world today. This plugin also has a lite or free version that can be downloaded from the WordPress repository. Of course, to get the above features It is recommended to install the premium version. The manufacturer of the Optimizer Pro plugin: UpDraft “UpDraft” Country of manufacture: England Release date: 2016 Release speed: 400,000 active people per year Number of current installations: About 2 million websites Rating: 5 out of about 1,600 votes Approximate price of Wp plugin versions Optimize Premium is the original download source of its creators: the above plans and amounts are for information purposes only, and the version available on the site is the Pro version, which has removed the number of installation restrictions and has been published for free.
The WordPress optimization plugin is known as one of the best WordPress optimization plugins. Most of the operations that this plugin performs for optimization are on the database or your database. A large part of the slowness of the sites is due to the non-optimization of the site database. is. The database contains many tables created by WordPress, templates, or plugins. Over time, these tables are filled with data stored by WordPress. The larger the volume of a table, the larger the table. The speed of receiving and storing information decreases. With this description, one of the most necessary tasks to increase the speed of the website and optimize it is to install plugins that are able to reduce the size of the database by deleting transient data or without using it. The main task of the Wp plugin The original Optimize Premium is also the optimization of your database. Optimize Pro optimizer plugin works to clean and optimize the WordPress database by removing spam, trash, non-functional items, auto-draft posts, etc. Of course, this feature can be seen in many other optimization plugins as well.
Also, in order to keep up with other competitors, the Optimize Premium plugin performs other operations to increase the speed of WordPress websites, which we will review below. One of the important features of the Optimize Pro plugin is that you can save the desired images in different formats such as BMP. JPEG JPG | GIF | TIF Compress PNG so that it takes up less space on your host and increases the loading speed of the site pages. The cache of WordPress site pages is one of the other features that you will get after downloading the Wp Optimize Premium Farsi plugin for free. By keeping a copy of the site pages in the cache memory, it reduces the response time of the server for sending. The information goes to the user.
Another important advantage of WordPress optimization plugin is the powerful compression through GZIP functions and files. This type of file compression reduces the size of the files sent to the user, which in some cases may be seen Reduce the size of files up to 90%. To have this feature, your host must also have the functions of this compression. Compression of the files sent to the user can be very important. Among the most important files that can be pointed out to the users are files with code. The most important of these files are HTML | CSS | are JS. Among these files, due to the designer’s failure to follow the principles of coding, there may be code and other issues. Among the things that can be corrected for this are empty spaces, the next line, comments, etc. in the codes. It is possible that the Optimize Premium Persian plugin will optimize them for you. The combination of coding files on the user side also minimizes the number of requests on the server side. In other words, all the CSS codes of the site can be sent to the user at once in the form of one file. Of course, pay attention to the fact that in HTTP/2 It is important to do this carefully, because in HTTP version 2, it is possible to send several files of the same type to the user. Among the other tasks used in this plugin is to refer to the user’s browser, which states that if no changes have been made to the site, the previously coded files should be used in the browser. This is to reduce the size of the page and the number of requests. Posting helps a lot. The Optimize WordPress plugin uses different cache systems such as browser cache, device cache, preload cache and server side to increase the speed of user response. This will make WordPress sites load quickly in the user’s browser.
Free download of the app optimizer plugin
Timize WordPress provides you with countless other features after installation. Referring to all these features is beyond the scope of this page. However, the most important features are mentioned below. By downloading Wp Optimize Premium Premium Farsi for free and updated, you can do many optimization features of your WordPress site. The original optimize plugin is used in many sites around the world.
Below are some of the most important features of this plugin:
The free download of the “Wp Optimize” optimization plugin may cause some interference in WordPress sites. These cases are mostly due to the different internal structures of the sites. Below are the most important possible cases: The mentioned above is related to the wrong configuration of the user. Also, all these items are related to the original Wp Optimize Premium plugin and have nothing to do with the download file of this page. Plan A: [for 2 sites] and [for 1 year update]: $50 Plan A: [for 5 sites] and [for 1 year update]: $100 Plan B: [no installation limit] and [for 1 year update] ]: $200 Full compatibility with WordPress versions 5.5 and later Full compatibility with PHP versions 5.7 and above Powerful and professional database cleaning Speed optimization in WordPress Combining HTML files | CSS | The site’s JS is compatible with each other, with page builder plugins, compatible with WordPress network sites (WordPress network: building and managing several sites in the form of a single site), compressing and reducing the size of images, increasing the SEO of the site with optimization, reducing the amount Consuming hosting and server resources, caching operations from site pages, clearing unused and redundant photos, lazy loading, or lazy loading, increasing the speed of displaying pages due to their caching, clearing all non-functional and unnecessary information from the multiple cache system For various cases, it is possible to delete or keep EXIF information (EXIFs are information such as GPS location, date and time, device, etc., which are stored inside the photos and occupy a small amount of space.) Deleting unnecessary information from database tables, the possibility of maintaining and restoring the main files of the site, cleaning the site’s comments, the possibility of managing trackbacks and ping bombs (information that users leave in the database after entering the site, or between different sites, and becomes) deleting TMP data (transient data is temporary information that is not needed and remains on the site)
statistical display of plugin functionality, the possibility of setting cron jobs for different operations (cron jobs are scheduling tasks that are automatically performed by the server.) the possibility of personalizing settings for site administrators, displaying information for every event Wp Optimize Premium plugin takes place, preload operation in the cache or cache, deletion of information and automatic draft posts (drafts that the user did not create), protection of site views against spam comments database) completely removing the contents of the site from the WordPress trash can to increase the capacity and other facilities, the possibility of interference with some WordPress plugins, the possibility of not being able to combine some JS files, not being able to use the internal functions of web servers (this case for All web server add-ons may be used, except for the exclusive add-ons of their creators, such as LiteSpeed Cache, the possibility of occupying site resources in caching operations, the possibility of messing up the appearance of the site with wrong user settings, not providing a way to convert image formats to each other. The possibility of rejecting cron job plugin requests by server security tools.
WP Optimize Premium Plugin

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